
Purchasing your first home is a major decision. 美国的平均房价接近 $375,000, 还有额外的升级, 维修, 装修, 保险, and property taxes can also take first-time homebuyers by surprise. 

买房前, you need to take an honest look at your budget to determine how much you can afford for a down payment and monthly 抵押贷款 payment. 首付款, 额外成交费用, 代理费用, 鉴定费用, and 抵押贷款 origination fees can total up to 5% of the property’s overall cost, 再加上几千美元. 

感兴趣 购买你的第一套房子 但不知道从哪里开始? 以下是为新房省钱的方法: 


1. 制定一个现实的预算.

Creating a budget and sticking to it is one of the 最有效的方法 为了攒钱买个新家. Write down all of your cur租金 bills: student loans, 保险, 食品杂货, 公用事业公司, 信用卡, 租金, 等等....... 

Once you’ve made a list of your monthly expenses, identify areas in which you can reduce costs. 问自己这些问题:

  • 你花的比赚的多吗? 
  • Can you downsize by moving into a smaller home or reducing the price of 租金?
  • Can you purchase a smaller car with better gas mileage than the vehicle you cur租金ly own or lease? 
  • Can you consolidate any outstanding credit card debt into a lower monthly payment with a reduced interest rate? 
  • Can you ask for a lower interest rate on your student loan payments? 
  • Can you reduce the amount of money spent on gas by taking public transportation to work a few times a week? 
  • Can you eliminate expenses such as cable or video streaming services to save a few extra dollars each month? 
  • Can you switch to generic brand products as substitutes for certain foods or 个人 care items? 

2. 要求加薪.

Increasing your monthly take-home pay can help you save for your first home. 虽然 要求加薪 may seem intimidating, developing an effective strategy can ease your mind. 

Avoid asking your supervisor for a salary bump when work is hectic. If your company conducts an annual or semi-annual employee review, write down a few key points that illustrate why you deserve a higher salary. 

一定要做好准备. You should present ample data related to your performance and point out any large projects you’ve recently tackled. Describe what you’ve been working on and how you spend your day. This will help your boss understand why the company can’t afford to lose you and why you deserve a salary increase. 

如果你的加薪要求被拒绝, thank your manager for their time and ask what you need to do to get a raise in the future. If you’re not given specific goals to achieve over the next few months or years, it may be time to st艺术 looking for a higher-paying job. 

3. 考虑做一份兼职.

There are many ways to pull in extra money outside of your nine-to-five career. More people are taking on side hustles to pick up extra cash, from selling items on websites like eBay to freelancing. 

写作, 摄影, 艺术, or even virtual administrative work can pay per project or by the hour, and most freelance jobs can be performed from the comfort of your home. 

Driving for a ridesharing or food delivery service like Lyft or Uber is also an ideal side hustle because it can accommodate any schedule. This allows you to work as little or as much as you want. 

兼职最好的地方就是? You can have your paycheck deposited directly into 你的储蓄账户, 降低消费的诱惑力. 

4. 消除尽可能多的债务.

Debt can be crippling, especially if you’re hoping to purchase your first home. 虽然 putting additional income toward credit card, 个人, 汽车, or student loan debt may sound counterintuitive, improving your debt-to-income ratio may help you secure a better interest rate from your bank or credit union. 

5. 放弃年假.

Remember that any sacrifices made while saving for a home are temporary. 

虽然 vacations are incredible experiences, they can also be extremely expensive. 根据… 银行rate的调查, respondents who went on vacation spent an average of $1,979 on all related expenses.

Instead of spending thousands traveling to a remote destination, 花点时间探索历史地标, 公园, and other interesting places near where you live. 博物馆, 自然保护区, or even nearby spas can provide much-needed relaxation at just a fraction of the cost of an expensive getaway. Your town or city’s local library may even host cultural events or classes that teach exciting new skills, 通常是免费的. 


第一次买房 can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. 与我们的抵押贷款专家之一 ttcu.抵押贷款.